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What to Film...

Below are our articles on the subject of What to Film. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Capturing a Birthday Celebration on Video
Capturing a Birthday Celebration on Video
Setting the scene for a birthday video, who and what to include and in what sequence you should capture events of the celebrations...
Film Nature and Wildlife
Film Nature and Wildlife
How filming nature and wildlife can be very unpredictable and will often involve a lot of patience and many hours spent filming until you get the perfect scenes. A…...
Film The Birth of a Child
Film The Birth of a Child
How it’s important you gain permission firstly to film the birth of a child. How the needs of the medical team and the mother must take priority and the kinds of…...
Film Your Baby Reaching Milestones
Film Your Baby Reaching Milestones
How a little bit of planning and recording prior to your baby’s arrival will help to establish the context of your baby home video. Importance of keeping your…...
Film Your Children at Play
Film Your Children at Play
The kinds of events and activities which you can film your children taking part in. How to come up with ideas for involving your children in a video shoot and the…...
Film Your Christmas
Film Your Christmas
How you need to be quite selective in what you film over Christmas or you could end up editing hours of footage. Being aware of lighting considerations and how…...
Film Your Pets
Film Your Pets
How pets are often difficult subjects to film on video as they can’t be trained to perform on demand for the camera for the most part. How you can encourage them to do…...
Making a Documentary
Making a Documentary
How documentaries can tend to be either thought provoking or a bit of an eye-opener in terms of the fly on the wall type. The importance of feeling passionate about…...
Making a Wedding Video
Making a Wedding Video
How important planning and an understanding of the day’s events are crucial in the production of a wedding video. Things to consider and the importance of consultation…...
Making an Animated Film For Kids
Making an Animated Film For Kids
How to create an animated film. Understanding the basics of working with plasticine or clay models and using that as a springboard to learn the basic skills before…...
Tips For Filming Family Holidays
Tips For Filming Family Holidays
Things to consider when shooting a family holiday video. The importance of trying to capture the mood and atmosphere of the place as well as candid fun shots. Using…...
Tips For Filming Special Occasions
Tips For Filming Special Occasions
The importance of considering the location and format of an event alongside some knowledge of the participants and to create a scene-by-scene plan of what to film when…...
Tips on Filming Your Active Toddler
Tips on Filming Your Active Toddler
How to shoot home videos of toddlers. Scenes to incorporate and filming when they’re not hungry or tired. Useful techniques and the kinds of things you can do to…...
Tips on Filming Your Teenagers
Tips on Filming Your Teenagers
How the world of family videos tends to turn teenagers off from the traditional ways of making a family video yet, simultaneously, they tend to become even more…...