Planning Your Video...
Below are our articles on the subject of Planning Your Video. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Basic Lighting for Your Video
How you need to pay close attention to lighting if you want your home video to look professional. The importance of familiarising yourself with the three-point…...
How to Choose Background Music For Your Film
How a careful and considered selection of a particular piece of music can dramatically enhance a particular scene or scenes in a homemade film or video. How it can…...
Intended Audience for Your Videos
Why a consideration for your audience is crucial if you want your film to receive good comments. How different techniques can be used to keep the audience engaged and…...
Interesting Film Angles
How using different angles when filming not only helps to keep your audience interested but also adds to the dramatic effect of the mood or emotions you’re trying to…...
Planning Your Home Video
The aspects you’ll need to consider if you want to plan your home video creatively. Looking at the length of the video, the actual story and ensuring that it flows and…...
Shooting Video Outside
Things to consider when filming outdoors. How good weather as well as bad can affect filming and techniques you can adopt to make your videos look more professional...
Telling a Story in Your Family Video
How you need to plan ahead before filming and create a visual concept of what your film is going to be about if you want to tell a good story. The importance of your…...
What Makes a Good Video Diary?
How a video diary is a great way of creating a home movie. How you don’t need to concern yourself too much with technique as it will be you (or your subject) and the…...